National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Monday 30 April 2018

Coven of the Women

Day 30

Oh dear what can the matter be
under the ancient English oak tree
 Chanting and dancing and singing off key
The Coven of Women have moot

Beltane is the time to be very merry
there wine and mead and some sort of sherry
Most of the group are dressed up as faeries
If faeries looked wingless and drunk

they met many years at a rally in Stoke
At the time they were young and up for a joke
Now old and knackered and prone to strokes
if they dont take the night at a pace

At only ten o'clock some are starting to whine
most go to bed  usually at just gone past nine
If they take their pills they do get quite  fine
as long as the loos are nearby.

Many are drunk on a half glass of beer
one whips off her top and the crowd all cheer
I haven't been naked for oh so many years
she said running around arms in the air

At Eleven o'clock some ones called the police
The neighbour hood watch want nothing by peace
A PC said can shenanigans cease
And the coven of women all boo

The naked lady has an emotion of ire
She really does not want to retire
She trips up her boob and into the fire
And the Ambulance have to be called.

Oh dear what can the matter be
Coven of Women are in A&E
A very bruised boob is a great tragedy
but it was a laugh. 

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