National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Sunday 24 June 2018

I could do a swear

Day 86

Sometimes I feel I need a swear
This feeling makes me odd
I worry about upsetting
the people I do love
It doesn't happen often
I keep it deep inside
And if I really need a swear
I do apologise

Though I do have those voices
and mental health in me
I live with my self hatred
That isn't plain to see
So when I get all moody
Some folk really are the pits
Their lack of any empathy
And treat me like I'm shit

Why are you so moody ?
They bark and moan at me
 Wish you would smile!
Oh the cheek some people be
It doesn't happen often
Maybe that is why they see
Because I am not as happy
As a happy me can be.

But what is so annoying is
I always try to smile
I say thank-you and hello
When I walk the usual mile
but when I do meet others
Most the time they are quite glum
And not often are THEY happy
and their lives are much more fun

So maybe that's the problem

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Thanks for commenting. You lovable weirdo