National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Thursday 12 September 2024


 A word I gave to the security man
In Tesco's, last fortnight 
Please keep a watch, I'm dodgy
Do keep me in your sight

'I'm dieting' I told him
Will-power I do lack
So do please shout "Oi watch it"
When I glance at random snacks

Please ban me from the crisp aisle
Announce when I do stray
An Asbo in the puddings
No chocolate bars today

Be thorough with the camera 
She looks aloof! Bizarre!
I'm sure you'll find I'm hiding 
A KitKat down my bra

In desperate times it's needed
A body search, with care
Family pack of wotsits 
found within my underwear.

So please Mr security man
I need your help I do
I'm sure I'd lose a ton of weight 
just running away from you.

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