National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Saturday 31 August 2024

Doesn't help me now

 At school you're taught bout weird skills
Learn painting, words and other thrills
Such pretty thoughts on window sills
It doesn't help me now 

I know the names of kings and queens
And know which hue is evergreen
Who cares which artist painted Scream
It doesn't help me now

You go to collage, learn a trade
But wasted years on a parade 
To learn what Arthur Fry* had made
It doesn't help me now

I wish they'd taught bout saving cash
Or gave exams on types of rash
But learning types of trees called Ash
It doesn't help me now

Though now I'm rather good at games
And many quizzes are quite tame
Okay, quite good with random names
So I suppose it helps me now

* Inventor of Post it notes. 

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