National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Wednesday 27 June 2018


Day 91

There is a tit resting  on the fence
I do apologise I have back ache
It just flopped there as I leant upon the gate
I promise I will move it after tea break

There is a tit resting on the wall
Sorry once again I caught it kneeling
It got caught up as I dug the other side
Now I do believe I've lost the feeling

There is a tit falling in the dirt
I should wear a bra while I am weeding
It swung so fast and caught me in the face
Now I am blinded and bleeding

There is a tit laying on the bed
Boob related accidents I master
Cant do much because I am in pain
And my tit is all wrapped up in plaster

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