National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Saturday 14 September 2024

Act your age

Oh joy the romantic notion
Of magazines and aging lotion
Of over spending stuff devotion
Don't read that stuff old sage

Oh yes I'm really natural red
The model likes to touch her head
I think old hair is mostly dead
around the bus-pass stage 

The lady shows us exercise 
For most those poses are not wise
I cannot even see my thighs
My knees just creak with rage

Supplements for every ail
Most will just made with Kale
And at a push some fresh crushed Snail
Depending on your wage

Don't assume we're all the same
By showing oh a famous dame
Who doesn't need a Zimmer frame
Or lives within a cage

And so the lie of age will start
But you walk with a tartan cart
And cannot really trust a fart
So please DO act your age

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