National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Thursday 30 August 2018

Not being lazy

Day 154

She sits in the garden on a brand new seat
She bought it last Tuesday just for a treat
But cannot sit long
As something looks wrong
There a weed growing right by her feet

Now try and relax in the afternoon sun
The garden looks good and a great deal of fun
Just one single daisy
Is enough to be lazy
It would take little time to get done

That daisy is making my gardener moan
She curses and cannot leave it all alone
She goes to the shed
The forks over head
A packet of seeds she's not sown

So off to the green house with the packet in hand
She now needs compost and a pot full of sand
It wont take her long
Just the shortest of song
Her lazy day isn't going as planned

While she is there, she will tidy the place
The green house needs some extra space
Wont take a tick
To tidy up quick
But this really isn't time for a race

Is that the time now?, Its time now for tea
The green house looks good, its now quite empty
Its too late to sit
For its not now sunlit
Tomorrow she will have time to be free

She sits in the garden on a brand new seat
She bought it last Month just for a treat
She still wont sit long
As something feels wrong
There a daisy growing right near her feet

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