National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Friday 1 June 2018

The wall

day 62

I am talking to a wall again
I think I'll call it Jim
He seems to listen to what I say
but others think I'm dim
I repeat my self and wonder if
I did say it at all
Do people just  ignore me
And call me a great fool

I am talking to a wall again
This time its name is Dave
He seems to listen to what I say
Its not how some behave
I repeat myself and wonder why
I bother after all
Deep down I really still have hope
You may call me a fool

I am talking to the wall again
This time I'll call it Ben
He seems to listen to what I say
and here we go again
My idea, schemes they say are good
But still they never use
And yes I am a fool again
For allowing folk to use

I am done talking to the wall again
This time no name I use
For now the wall wont listen
Now I have a short fuse
I have decided to turn my back
I wont ever get my way
I may talk now to some TNT
And blow them all away.

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Thanks for commenting. You lovable weirdo