National poetry writing month

National poetry writing month
A month of madness

Sunday 27 May 2018

Goodbye to bow

Day 57. Don't read if you are offended by bad poetry. 

So I owned a very sexy recurve bow. But will have to sell it because poetry doesn't pay well.  So I have dedicated today to my Bow with some really bad poetry

I'll say goodbye to  bow
Oh I really
cared when I let the string go
I missed the target
and it landed in  the stream
It was followed by a scream
(Stupid place to sit really)

Oh goodbye bow of mine
Not wearing arm guard, thinking I'll be fine
Twang! it went on my arm
causing me a lot of harm
(I hopped around the garden saying words a lady should not say)

Oh how I will miss our days
Killing Pumpkins and bales of hay
most the time I missed and hit those trees
The tree would not give the arrow willingly
(so I left it there)

Oh my we had so such fun
Remember when we shot that rambler up the bum
I was very please with the shot
For some reason he called me a clot
(well he shouldn't have been using the foot path as a toilet)

Oh how using you made the time pass by
I tried to find out how high an arrow flies
It was quite ill advised
the air ballooner was quite surprised
(Mostly because his balloon burst)

So I say goodbye to bow

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